When you need financial advice, you talk to a financial advisor. When you need legal advice, you talk to an attorney, but when you need help with your entertainment system, you talk to a clerk at a big box store? Why?? Probably because you think you have nowhere else to go!
Let's change that and introduce you to Chip and Christina Tollefson at Entertainment Pros.
Many people are not aware ANY room can accommodate a great surround sound system. Chip and Christina have 30+ years of experience designing and installing the best, easy to use, single room entertainment systems throughout Pinellas and Pasco County. They understand how to combine picture & sound quality, aesthetic & budget requirements to create a system for your space.
Stop talking to clerks and Contact us for more information. Call 727-804-3996, or message us.
We are a residential audio/video, automation, control, and lighting integration company based in Palm Harbor, Fl. We service all of Pinellas county, and areas of West Hillsborough and West Pasco. We are focused on just one thing - customer service.